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The Wake Up Call Podcast

Jul 28, 2019


"You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily.  The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."  John C. Maxwell.

Never thought I would be someone who likes to garden or even works outside but I LOVE my garden.  It took years and a lot of hard, sweaty work and money to get it in...

Jul 22, 2019


Under the "Why Can't Everyone Be Nice" umbrella (Episode 14)- this week I discuss thoughts, advice and stories around The Art of Apologizing. The energy someone spends on thinking about something they did wrong, or maybe wasn't so nice about could easily be lessened if they just apologized.  

Podcasters Paradise is a...

Jul 16, 2019


"Do Or Do Not There Is No Try" - Yoda

I just completed week 4 of my Daily IG Content Share.  Bad hair day, good hair day- they are not batched.  When I started doing it, I was "Live." But have now switched to being recorded and share my learnings on why.  I am always learning and tweaking.

I also talk about finding a...

Jul 6, 2019



I had this crazy idea to do this podcast together w/ my husband Ryan (Good Karma Sportfishing).  It's his 50th Podcast Episode which is amazing.  He pushed thru fear, judgement, his own "story" and discomfort of having to learn something new and his podcast has taken off.

Your life learnings and the challenges along...