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The Wake Up Call Podcast

Jun 30, 2024

This powerful new Wake-Up Call podcast episode talks about a level of energetics never talked about...

 inner work of patterns of "justifying" and "explaining" and how it shows up in your life and business- often based on your past.

Thanks for listening and sharing!

Melinda Van Fleet is an Intuitive Energetic Business and Leadership Growth Mentor/Coach/Consultant who helps her clients with what they can't see, so they can experience results fast. She helps her clients by teaching, guiding, supporting and empowering so they can grow their business.

Melinda and her husband, Capt. Ryan (Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching), moved to The FL Keys in 2009 after they were both laid off at the same time. Melinda, on her 3.5 life, has an unparalleled story of dreaming big, manifestation, and a lot of hard work.

 In addition to her coaching business, and being The Wizard Behind the Curtain for Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching, she is an energy practitioner, Human Design coach, professional speaker, host of The Wake Up Call Podcast, The Success Codes Podcast, freelance writer, 2x best-selling author.

Wish to start to work on your intuition immediately so you can start to see results? Click below for the Believe and Take Action Daily Guide and get a kick start!