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The Wake Up Call Podcast

Sep 30, 2020


Joint Podcast for October!

Ryan (Good Karma Sportfishing) and I discuss:

Confidence in regards to collaboration.

Thank you for listening!

Connect on FB, LI or IG melinda_vanfleet




Sep 27, 2020


Sharing the recent inspiration I have had from a few sources re: the magical powers of water.

The book I reference is called- The Hidden Messages in Water- Masaru Emoto.

Would love to hear your experiences as well so feel free to reach out!

FB Group- Good Karma Vibes

Thank you for...

Sep 20, 2020


No one is alone in this...

We are all triggered by things, people, work, situations, etc.

AND we all trigger others as well.

Story and tips share in this episode.

Thank you for listening!

LI, FB and IG melinda_vanfleet

Other podcast- Crush It In Sales



Sep 13, 2020


"With the realization in one's potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world."- The Dalai Lama

What lies are you telling yourself?  What are you not taking responsibility for and working towards making a change?

Fill in the blank on this week's affirmation:

I love myself to much to be...

Sep 6, 2020


"Be happy in anticipation of what's coming." - Abraham Hicks

I cannot believe that in over a year of podcasting, I haven't shared any stories yet in regards to manifesting...

So here we go!

Hope it inspires and gives you fuel to keep going!!!

Mantra- "It's a great day!"

Thank you for listening and sharing!

Let's all...